(813) 808-5257


Hosted by Grandmaster MARK TRACY son of Great Grandmaster AL TRACY

The New Tracy's Karate West Coast Headquarters will be at Olsen Family Kenpo Karate in Windsor,  Ca. Thank You Robert Olsen!

The Tracy's Karate Midwest Headquarters is hosted by Grandmaster Tim Golby in St. Louis, Mo! Happy Birthday Grandmaster Tim Golby.

 Please Be Safe!  There are times that we need to take a step back and analyze our opponent. We are facing one that we cannot see. There are many positive things we can do during this very challenging time. I can promise you this, You Are Making A Positive Difference! We can "Fight The Good Fight" as the power trio Triumph encourages all of us to do.

Did you know that in May of 1994 that Dad " Al Tracy" and I opened a Tracy's Karate Studio in Forest Park "Cincinnati" Ohio? It was a very exciting time. I remember what is was like to open a studio with zero students. It would grow for me to have two studios in Cincinnati and one in Tampa. Here is a picture of the two of us on our big journey across the US. My role has changed since dad passed away. I have been appointed to be the"Face Of Tracy's Karate". Thank you for all that help me carry the Tracy's Karate Torch.

Check out a few studio stores I have had. They can really add a great look to a studio. Many students ask if there is something they can buy to help there training.

Halls Martial Arts Connection will reopen on June 2nd!

Did you now that both my parents Al Tracy and Frances Ann Tracy studied  Photography with Ansel Adams? My sister Tina has a great camera eye as well. Here is a picture of Tina, Al,Mark, Frances Ann Tracy and Rocky the Bull Terrier.

  • Welcome to the It's Tracy's Karate Online News Flash! By popular demand it is here for you to get your accurate and inspiring information on Tracy's Karate. Tracy's Karate is the Worldwide Leader. This is an exciting week. Years ago dad promoted me to Black Belt on the 20th of May. It is an honor to carry the Tracy's Karate Torch! Thank you to all that help me. Happy Birthday Grandmaster Tim Golby! Thank you for your amazing insights and example.