(813) 808-5257


Hosted by Grandmaster MARK TRACY son of Great Grandmaster AL TRACY

Grandmaster Mark Tracy is a 10th Degree Black Belt in Kenpo Karate.  He remembers doing his first karate demo with his dad Great Grandmaster Al Tracy for a third grade talent show in Bellevue, Washington.  

Great Grandmaster Al Tracy had moved to Lexington, Ky.  Mark visited his dad at The University Of Kentucky.  Mark decided that he wanted to be with his dad and pursue his love of early American History at The University of Kentucky.  Mark Tracy earned his Shodan Rank (Black Belt) from his father Al Tracy. In 1994 Mark opened his first karate studio in Cincinnati, Ohio.  At one time Mark Tracy had two studios in Cincinnati and one in Tampa, Fl.

Grandmaster Mark Tracy is based in Tampa, Florida.   Mark runs the new Tracy's Karate Worldwide Central Training Headquarters. It is one of the most beautiful studios in the world.  Students come from far and wide to train with Mark Tracy. He has finished some new instructional DVD's and books.  He  enjoys traveling  across the country to  train instructors and students.  Recently he has had invites to travel to Europe and China.

If you would would like to be added to the Tracy Family Tree you can send your info on this site to be added.

Wishing you a great day,

Mark Tracy

 Learning Tracy's Kenpo Karate can help you be safer and stronger.  My students receive private instruction. You can set your own time and progress at your own rate.  Some students like to learn with a friend or family. Most private lessons are 30 minutes long. Here is a picture of a student learning a self defense move called "Knee Of Vengeance".  It is a defense against an attacker that is grabbing someone from the front. Students will learn the basics. Having a strong foundation of the basics is major key to success. How do you start? I offer an introductory  

course of four - 30 minute private  lessons. I feel fantastic when I do Tracy's Karate. One of the advantages is that we can always have our training with us. The training helps us be more aware of the situations we will find ourselves in. We never know when we may find ourselves in a dangerous situation. My goal is to meet my students where they are and then help them learn the art of Tracy's Kenpo Karate. It takes time and effort to learn. It has been very rewarding for me to see the positive difference it can make in my students lives. My beautiful studio in located in South Tampa.