To aid in your training we offer DVD'S , Manuals and Clothes. Learn online live with Mark Tracy using Skype.
Learn the ancient Art Of Kenpo from Grandmaster (10th Degree Black Belt ) Mark Tracy. Contact Grandmaster Mark Tracy to book a seminar.
Check your royal linage. It is exciting to know your part of Kenpo History!
The New Flame Certificate and Diploma
Order the new flame diploma with the official seal. You can order the 11X17 diploma or a 16X20 diploma. The ones that are shown are 16X20. You can also order a School Certificate
(813 )397-7607
1. The best way to place on order is to call Mark Tracy at
(813) 808-5257.
2. The Classic Tracy's Karate Patches are here. $15 per patch.
3. Robert Olsen is opening Olsen Family Kenpo Karate in Fair Oaks, Ca. (Sacramento) His other studio is in Windsor, Ca.
4. Tracy's Karate Worldwide launches it's new "Home School Online Study Course." Students will be able to learn directly from Mark Tracy with live private instruction using Skype. The course also includes picture manuals and dvd's.
5. Our new Chicago location is
Kenpo Self Defense Studio, Inc
15546 S Cicero Ave
Oak Forest, IL 60452
(708) 385-8800
6. Whenever possible I like to do belt promotions in person. This has been a fantastic year with amazing students earning their next belts. Fantastic!
7. Tracy's Karate Worldwide has Four Regional Headquarters across the US. The Midwest Headquarters in located in St. Louis. The Southwest Headquarters is in Las Vegas. The West Coast Headquarters is in Windsor, Ca. It is about 62 miles north of SF. The Southeast Headquarters is in Virginia Beach.
8. The new Tracy 's Karate Worldwide work books are available.
9. Daily videos with Mark Tracy can be viewed on facebook . The page is Tracy's Karate Worldwide.
10. The Tracy's Karate Worldwide Studio Of The Year is in St. Louis owned by Grandmaster Tim Golby.
12. Tracy's Karate is celebrating it's 63rd Year! It began with the Tracy Brothers (Al, Will, and Jim). Mark Tracy the son of Al Tracy, is taking the family art worldwide.
Grandmaster Mark Tracy has been sharing the Tracy Family Art across the world. It started with the Three Tracy Bothers (Al, Will, and Jim). Mark is carrying on their legacy. What is that legacy? To hand down this ancient art to help people be safer and stronger. To record it and share it with the world.
Thank you to all the instructors and students for your hard work and dedication. What would Al Tracy have to say? Imagine his big smile as he would say "Well Done"!
Have you heard about the Tracy's Karate Worldwide Library? You can pick a DVD and check it out. For example you may choose
1 st Degree Brown Belt. Send a message on this site and it can be mailed to you. You can send it back or buy it. Only the best for the best. You can learn from Al and Mark Tracy.
The best way to place an order is to call
Mark Tracy at (813)808-5257. You will also get a special discount.
Recent Promotions-
William E. Wilson III 7the Degree Black Belt
James Hukula Nidan 2nd Degree Black Belt
Grandmaster Tim Golby is celebrating 55 Years at the same location in St. Louis.
Tracy's Karate
10220 Manchester Rd
Kirkwood, Mo
(314) 821-0555
There are 226 videos or shorts that can be viewed on YouTube. You can type Tracy's Karate Worldwide
Grandmaster Mark Tracy has been helping with the hurricane relief effort in Florida. He specialty is rescuing art. It is like being Nick Cage in "National Treasure".
I am excited to do belt promotions in Illinois and Ohio starting on Monday Feb 24th - March 1st. Great job everyone. Whenever possible I like to do the promotions in person.